Wednesday, November 26, 2008

in compliance

Lingxin asked me to do this 10 weird things about myself thing. Haha ok, I shall comply. 10 weird things about myself.

1) I hold my breath whenever I step into a lift and I hold it all the way until I reach the destination floor. Bet you didn't know that. And the record, for your information, is holding my breath for about 60 floors. More than 2 minutes.

2) I like to make funny faces at myself in the mirror at home before I bathe.

3) I am a 19 year old guy, and I have 6 soft toys on my bed.

4) I don't like all insects, dead or alive, and I don't even dare to touch pictures of insects in books.

5) I like to do things at nice numbers around the clock, such as 3.15, 3.30, etc; I don't like starting on tasks at times like 3.20, etc.

6) The first thing I notice about a girl is her eyes, and the first thing I notice about a guy is how many pimples he has.

7) I like to loop a nice song for an entire night, and I will get sick of it and won't listen to it for the next 2 weeks.

8) I like to read newspapers by putting them down on the floor and lying horizontally across my bed and looking down.

9) I like to see what people are doing on the bus by looking at their reflections, but I never ever do look at them.

10) I like to sleep face down on my pillow. (Don't ask me how I breathe)


Anonymous said...

you weirdo. :p

Anonymous said...

LOL. like that you must have noticed Matthew damn easily from 100m away.

Unknown said...

over all concluesion? you dont breathe. haha. :)
