Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Haha I am tired, but I really wanna bitch about college day rehearsal! They asked us to gather in the hall at 4 pm, so I left my CCA at 4 pm to head over to the hall. Talking about CCA, I am gonna sidetrack first. Even thouh I keep saying I got sick of TKD, today was my last day as vice president, and I suddenly felt quite a sense of attachment to the club today! Haha, like they said, you treasure things more when they are gone, same goes with my post. But I have stepped down, and good luck to the future exco! (:

Back to college day, so we gathered at 4 pm, and waited, and waited, and waited, and it still didn't start! I had a short nap and woke at like 5 pm, and they were still clearing the hall and preparing for the rehearsal. Oh gosh, what was the point of calling us in so early? So we were just sitting down on the floor doing nothing for 1 hour. Then at 5 pm, we finally had chairs, and we all sat down, and the rehearsal wouldn't start for another hour. I had another nap till like 6 pm, and it wasn't even our turn yet.

The whole thing ended at near 8 pm, I think Julia, Lingxin, Weiliang, Tricia, Bazilah, Nadiah, Valerie must have been so pissed by then, I was! Haha!

Anyway I was bored and I went to to read, haha you can guess how funny some terms are really!

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - ironically the term for the fear of long words.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth LOL
Cathisophobia - Fear of sitting (Haha imagine someone standing up for his whole life)
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school (SQ says hi)
Gynophobia - Fear of women (Dino says hi)
Geumophobia - Fear of tasting. Lol!
Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect male sex organ (Lol guys who have this is epic fail)
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection
Pantophobia - Fear of everything
Phonophobia- Fear of one's own voice (Dino should fear this, I can't stand his voice)
Pocrescophobia - Fear of gaining weight (I really should fear this to stop growing fatter, same to you Mr Sas -.-)
Scoptophobia - Fear of being seen
Somniphobia - Fear of sleeping
Vestiphobiav- Fear of clothing (oooooo)

Haha, so funny right!

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